This “Children's Gallery” is an “International Art Volunteer Activity” operated only by children's free-spirited works.


Jo Sicbert (USA)

Significance of exhibiting at the
"Kids' World Art Gallery"

Dear Parents,

In order to foster the creativity of the next generation, it is important to celebrate and cultivate children's creative expressions.

Children's art and music reflect their love for the natural world, their bonds with family and friends, and their daily experiences.

Children are very honest and innocent in every country.
They draw the experiences they feel with their heart and express these feelings directly.
For example, children who strongly seek a mother's affection tend to draw big eyes.

As adults we can learn the personality and characteristics of children from various points of view.
Now, let us understand your children's heart through their drawings. Let's support their healthy growth and development since they will play a role in our future.

And through the Kid's World Art Gallery, let's lay the foundation for a peaceful and prosperous future environment for children around the world.

We invite you to exhibit at the “Kid's World Art Gallery” venue, a place for your children to interact.

“Kids World Art Gallery” committee.

Take a picture of your child's masterpiece on your smartphone, and feel free to email the image to ICO directly.
There is no superiority or inferiority in children's paintings.
Let's have organized a one-kid's show for your child's memories !
Andre Dahan (France)

▼Please click here to see the Gallery▼

◀ ◀ Contemporary International Master Gallery ▶



この国際ボランティア活動 「こどもアート画廊」は、世界の子供たちの より一層
  の情操教育啓発を目指して設立された "バーチャル・アートギャラリー" です

子供の創造性には、様々な規制が課せらている我々大人には とても真似のできない素晴らしさが、たくさん含まれています。色使いや構成・発想のアイディアなど子供たちの視点はとてもユニークです。



このICOの「こども画廊」は、世界中の子供たちの独創的作品の発表の場であり、創作意欲の育成の一環でもあります。掲載される作品は、上手、下手など関係なく、子供たちに自信と親子で創作の喜びを分かち合える "空間スペース" となります。





